
Sep 26

Music Recommendation Engine

What was the customer's Business Need/Challenge? Client is a commercial music streaming service providing free and licensed music and provides both Indian and international music content. To build a recommendation engine to suggest relevant songs to users based on their pattern of listening and choice of music. Client has a... read more →
Sep 26

Text Analytics:

What was the customers Business Need/Challenge? Client is a Print Media Giant, it is the third-largest newspaper in India by circulation. They want to build a Real Time Search Engine on their everyday news articles, to search the the articles by topic/entity of interest. Also, tag the article by sentiment... read more →
Sep 14

Time Series Segmentation

What was the customers Business Need/Challenge? Client is India's largest lending firm. Client had their month end customer segmentation processing solution built using SAS. SAS was not able to scale with lareg volumes of data((>500GB ) crunching and was running for more than 30days for each run, which was as... read more →
Sep 14

NSB Prospect Mart

What was the customer's Business Need/Challenge? Build a data analytics platform to onboard Partner data. The platform supports ingestion of data coming from multiple partners in unstructured/semi-structured format, cleansing using various business rules, data deduping, data enrichment and a quality scoring engine. This is prospect customers data and will be... read more →
Sep 14

Data Hub

What was the customers Business Need/Challenge? Client was using oracle DB on premise for OLTP. They were looking for a on cloud solution for Data warehouse and an analytics platform. What solutions has Fragma delivered to drive the consumption of Azure? Fragma Data provided a scalable architecture using Azure Data... read more →
Sep 14

Intelligent NLP Search

What was the customer's Business Need/Challenge? Client is India's largest public sector bank. They generate thousand of e-circular documents for communicating notifications/news internally. They wants to build a closed domain Knowledge based Question Answer system on policy documents. The application should able to retrieve exact answer from the corpus and... read more →
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